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2023-06-03 20:51:06 来源:互联网


1、1.彼岸花,花开开彼岸, 花开时看不到叶子, 有叶子时看不到花, 花叶两不相见,生生相错。

2、 (Other shore is colored, the flower opens other shore, the flower opens when the blind leaf, has when the leaf the blind flower, the floral leaf two does not meet, propagates makes a mistake.)2.彼岸花 永远在彼岸悠然绽放 此岸心 唯有在此岸兀自彷徨多少烟花事 尽付风雨间 多少尘间梦 尽随水东转 看见的熄灭了 消失的记住了 开到荼靡,花事了…… 留下的记忆不过是一地花瓣…… 风吹走了,就没有了……(Other shore flower forever easely bloomed in other shore this shore heart only to have in this shore still paces back and forth how many smoke blooming to pay between the wind and rain between how much dust the dream to transfer visible along with the water east extinguishment vanishing to remember has arrived the bitter edible plant waste, blooming ...... Stays behind the memory is a place flower petal ...... The wind has swept, did not have ......)3.看见的 熄灭了消失的 记住了我站在 海角天涯听见 土壤萌芽等待 昙花再开把芬芳 留给年华彼岸 没有灯塔我依然 张望着天黑 刷白了头发紧握着 我火把他来 我对自己说我不害怕我很爱他(Visible extinguishment vanishing has remembered me stand in the ends of the Earth hears the soil seed waiting canna flower to open again leaves time passage other shore not to have fragrantly the lighthouse I still to look around darkness to brush the white hair to grip tightly my flare he to come I to oneself to say I am not afraid me to love him very much)PS:如果,想翻译成其它外语可以消息我。



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